Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hooray For Wood Floors!

I've just been saved once again by my wood floors. Why am I so excited by having wood floors, you ask? Well, they just saved me a lot of time at the door with a vacuum cleaner salesman! I don't know how many times I have had to turn them away, but having wood floors makes it quick and easy! (I never tell them that I have carpet downstairs in my house!) I just step back and say, "Oh, I'm sorry...I have wood floors." Then they turn and leave.

Another benefit to wood floors is when the kids get sick! You don't have to worry about cleaning up Flu messes off of your carpet. (Messes that involve carpet cleaning...either hiring it out or doing it yourself.) With a wood floor, it is just a simple mop job and it is over and done with.

I love my wood floors! They totally rock!


Blondie Writes - Pamela said...

I love wood floors and have so far ripped out the diningroom carpet and now I want to rip out the living room carpet. I have hardwood floors underneathe, but they need to be refinished so I might need to do laminate flooring. To many cats and dogs to refinish floors.

Aimee said...

Checking out your blog from the Alexa Hop!

Angela said...

I love wood floors. I can't wait until we do the ones on our 2nd floor!

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